Friday, September 11, 2009

Welcome to DynamOS

Well, not quite yet.

I am taking 6 months off work to look after my son (see Big T little t) and have arranged with my wife that I have Fridays to devote to all things nerdy. This is to keep my mind going for when I go back to work, but also to give me an excuse to work on a project I've been thinking about for a while.

That project is DynamOS. As the name hopefully suggests it is a DYNAMic Operating System.

The elevator pitch is as follows;

Use a dynamic language virtual machine as the kernel of an operating system to provide capability based security and an efficient micro-kernel.

Which dynamic language? I don't know yet, but SquirrelFish is attractive. Only the bytecode of the VM will be fundamental; whatever language is compiled into that bytecode doesn't really worry me.

And where do I start writing an OS? Well there's a tutorial on GeekOS, that I hope is great, that I will be following.

What I hope to do with that tutorial is write unit tests for it... Using BOCHS as a machine to run it in and, hopefully, test assertions against. (probably use rspec to run the actual tests)

Then I plan to implement the minimum VM to get those tests working using a bytecode program instead of C.

At that point I should be able to type stuff on the keyboard and have it appear on the screen! amazing hey?

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