Friday, September 11, 2009


Well, this one is easy :)

Just check out all the stuff about dynamic vs static around the web. To summarize my feeling, have a read of steve yegge's articles on Javascript/dynamic languages.

The point is, you can have very rapid development, fewer API worries (they can evolve more easily than static, 'binary compatible', interfaces) and these days can go mighty fast (just look at the JS interpreters these days).

And because you are using 'bytecodes' (should use a different term, but people will understand that one) that simply DON'T ALLOW you to address memory directly then you can do a whole range of nasty/buggy stuff.

At this stage I don't know what language will be the default (self vs javascript...) but I do know that I want to use prototypical inheritance - you can simulate all other esoteric inheritance types I know of within prototypical inheritance. I'm not sure if I want to have multiple traits, like in Self, but it would be nice.

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